HTML5 applications don't launch via USB memory

If the last item in the manifest.json file ends with a comma ‘,’ like in the example below, it will not work. You should remove the last comma ‘,’.

   "name": {
      "default" : "en_US",
      "en_US" : "Slideshow Signage"
   "uuid" : "com.sony.tv.demo.slideshow",
   "description": {
      "default" : "en_US",
      "en_US" : "This is test application"
   "version" : "1.0",
   "manifest_version" : "1.0",
   "app" : {
       "launch" : {
           "local_path" : "file://localhost/doc/shipin_new/index.htm"        
   "splash" : "splash.png",
   "icons" : {
       "128x128" : "icon.png"
   "minimum_web_platform_version" : "1.0",

NG: “minimum_web_platform_version” : “1.0”,
OK: “minimum_web_platform_version” : “1.0”

This behavior is correct from the JSON specification point of view.