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How can I keep BRAVIA's panel ON for 24/7 ?

The necessary settings to keep the BRAVIA screen in the ON state are as follows

  1. System
  2. Power and energy
  3. Idle Tv standby: Off
  1. System
  2. Power and energy
  3. Auto shut-off: Off
  1. System
  2. Developer options
  3. Stay awake

In addition to the above, the following settings may also be useful depending on your installation environment and BRAVIA operation method.

To prevent the TV screen brightness from changing automatically, the following settings are required.

  1. System
  2. Power and energy
  3. Power saving: Off
  1. Diaplay & Sound
  2. Picture
  3. Light Sensor: Off

To prevent unintended operation, you can disable operation from the main unit keys or the remote control panel.

  1. Pro settings
  2. Display/Remote controls: Set “Off” to the desired disablement.

  1. Pro settings
  2. Display/Remote controls: set the ones you want to disable to “Off”.
  1. Diaplay & Sound
  2. Picture
  3. Picture mode: Set to a value other than “Vivid

Periodic restart is recommended to ensure stable operation of the BRAVIA.

  1. Pro settings
  2. Periodic restart: Set the restart schedule according to your BRAVIA's operating environment.