Getting Started
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
The following describes how to send the RS-232C command with serial_control.js and Node.js.
- BRAVIA Professional Display
- PC
- Serial cable (such as USB to 3.5 mm Mini Plug TTL Serial Cable)
Set up BRAVIA Professional Display
- Connect BRAVIA Professional Display and the PC with the serial cable
- Set the RS232C control to Via serial port
- [HOME] Settings
- RS232C control
- Via serial port
- Switch to Normal mode or Pro mode by using the Pro settings tool
Set up PC
- Install Node.js (v6.x and later) and npm on the PC
- Install node-serialport
C:\>npm install serialport -g
- Download
- Extract the zip file to a specific folder (ex:
- You can get a list of serial port names by running ‘node serial_control.js’ with no argument.
C:\serial_control>node serial_control.js Usage: node serial_control.js [PORTNAME] [CMDNAME] . Commands: auto_wide_off auto_wide_on auto_wide_toggle ... (*snip*) ... . Serial Ports: [PORTNAME] [VENDOR] COM1 (*snip*) COM2 (*snip*) COM3 (*snip*)
- Send the power_off command, and then BRAVIA Professional Display will power off
C:\serial_control>node serial_control.js COM1 power_off Port 'COM1' opened. Request[0]=0x8C Request[1]=0x00 Request[2]=0x00 Request[3]=0x02 Request[4]=0x00 Request[5]=0x8E Command 'power_off' written. Response[0]=0x70: ANSWER Response[1]=0x00: Completed (Normal) Response[2]=0x70: Checksum matched
- Send the power_get command, and then 0x00 (Power Off) will be returned in Return Data[0]
C:\serial_control>node serial_control.js COM1 power_get Port 'COM1' opened. Request[0]=0x83 Request[1]=0x00 Request[2]=0x00 Request[3]=0xFF Request[4]=0xFF Request[5]=0x81 Command 'power_get' written. Response[0]=0x70: ANSWER Response[1]=0x00: Completed (Normal) Response[2]=0x02: Return Data Size Response[3]=0x00: Return Data[0] Response[4]=0x72: Checksum matched
- Send the power_on command, and then BRAVIA Professional Display will power on
C:\serial_control>node serial_control.js COM1 power_on Port 'COM1' opened. Request[0]=0x8C Request[1]=0x00 Request[2]=0x00 Request[3]=0x02 Request[4]=0x01 Request[5]=0x8F Command 'power_on' written. Response[0]=0x70: ANSWER Response[1]=0x00: Completed (Normal) Response[2]=0x70: Checksum matched
- Send the power_get command again, and then 0x01 (Power On) will be returned in Return Data[0]
C:\serial_control>node serial_control.js COM1 power_get Port 'COM1' opened. Request[0]=0x83 Request[1]=0x00 Request[2]=0x00 Request[3]=0xFF Request[4]=0xFF Request[5]=0x81 Command 'power_get' written. Response[0]=0x70: ANSWER Response[1]=0x00: Completed (Normal) Response[2]=0x02: Return Data Size Response[3]=0x01: Return Data[0] Response[4]=0x73: Checksum matched
Sample Code
- Excerpt from serial_control.js
const serialport = require("serialport"); const commands = { "power_on": [0x8C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01], "power_off": [0x8C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00], "power_get": [0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF], ... (*snip*) ... const sp = new serialport(portname, { baudRate: 9600, dataBits: 8, parity: 'none', stopBits: 1, flowControl: false, parser: new serialport.parsers.Readline("\n") }); sp.on("data", function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (resp_index == 0) { // HEADER if (data[i] == 0x70) { resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'ANSWER'); } else { sp.close(); errorlevel = EL_HEADER_UNKNOWN; return resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'Error: Header is not ANSWER(0x70), ' + toHex(data[i])); } } else if (resp_index == 1) { // ANSWER resp_answer = data[i]; var answer = answers[data[i]]; if (answer !== undefined) { resp_log(resp_index, data[i], answer); if (resp_answer !== 0x00) { errorlevel = EL_ANSWER_ERROR; } } else { sp.close(); errorlevel = EL_ANSWER_UNKNOWN; return resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'Error: Unknown answer, ' + toHex(data[i])); } } else { if (cmd_type == 0x8C) { // Response to Control Request if (resp_index == 2) { return checkChecksum(sp, data[i], resp_checksum, resp_index); } } else if (cmd_type == 0x83) { // Response to Query Request if (resp_index == 2) { if (resp_answer == 0x00) { resp_return_data_size = data[i]; resp_return_data_size -= 1; resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'Return Data Size'); } else { return checkChecksum(sp, data[i], resp_checksum, resp_index); } } else if (resp_index >= 3 && resp_index < (2 + resp_return_data_size)) { resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'Return Data[' + (resp_index - 3) + ']'); } else if (resp_index == (2 + resp_return_data_size)) { return checkChecksum(sp, data[i], resp_checksum, resp_index); } } else { sp.close(); errorlevel = EL_CMD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; return resp_log(resp_index, data[i], 'Error: Unknown command type'); } } resp_index += 1; resp_checksum += data[i]; } }); sp.on("open", function(err) { if (err) { errorlevel = EL_OPEN_ERROR; sp.close(); return console.log("Error on open: " + err.message); } else { console.log("Port '" + portname + "' opened."); var buf = commands[cmdname]; buf.push(0); // for checksum var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { if (i == buf.length - 1) { buf[i] = sum; } else { sum += buf[i]; } console.log(" Request[" + i + "]=" + toHex(buf[i])); } resp_index = 0 cmd_type = buf[0]; sp.write(buf, function(err) { if (err) { errorlevel = EL_WRITE_ERROR; sp.close(); return console.log('Error on write: ', err.message); } console.log("Command '" + cmdname + "' written."); }); } });
Last modified: 25 Dec 2019