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Pro settings > Wi-Fi access point

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Wi-Fi access point


Use the display as a Wi-Fi access point.



  1. Select the function.

  2. Setting is enabled.

  3. You can find the SSID as a Wi-Fi access point on a device (e.g., smartphone).

Advanced Settings

SSID Settings
  1. Select the function.

  2. Set an SSID.

  3. Stealth mode is enabled.

Security Settings
  1. Select the function.

  2. Select an option.

  • WPA2-PSK (AES): Sets your network encryption as WPA2-PSK.
  • Open network: Sets your network as an open network (no security at all).

Password Settings
  1. Select the function.

  2. Set a password (WPA key).

Last modified: 30 May 2024